
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Beginning

For months and months, I've been debating on starting a blog. On the one hand, it's an opportunity to write down all of my deepest thoughts and feelings. However, on the other hand, it's an opportunity to write down all of my deepest thoughts and feelings. (Yes, I count that as a pro and a con.) Potentially, I could provide a brand new perspective and inspire someone, or people could just find out how crazy I am. It's a lot to consider.

Recently, though, as more and more of my friends began participating in the '100 Happy Days' challenge, I realized that it was the perfect time. The challenge calls for its participants to seek out 100 different things that make them happy and post about one of them each day for the duration of the 100 days. I love it. I love the idea of seeking out something new each day that makes you happy. Maybe it's my inner hippie, but I believe that happiness is a way of travel, and there's no better way to find it than by seeking out the ordinary things that provide it.

In honor of that idea, I decided to begin the 'Happy Days' blog, a blog completely dedicated to finding happiness, fulfillment, and individuality (I'm original- I know) in a world with plenty of problems to get bogged down in. To kick off this search for 'Happy Days,' I have decided to provide a list of 15 things that make me happy.

  1. Jesus
  2. America 
  3. Agriculture 
  4. Mexican Food 
  5. Horses 
  6. Good music 
  7. Black coffee 
  8. Monograms 
  9. Sweet Tea 
  10. Long talks with good friends
  11. Cupcakes 
  12. Audrey Hepburn 
  13. Pearls 
  14. Aggie Football 
  15. Sunrises (sunsets are too cliche) 
I know I said 15, but....

   16. Thunderstorms
   17. Farmer's Markets
   18. Fresh flowers
   19. My family
   20. Rivers
   21. Antique Stores

Yes, my list is all over the place, but those things really make me happy. And I believe finding happiness is really that simple. It's about seeking joy in the little things each day. It's about choosing to see the good in the situation, instead of the bad. It's about choosing to believe that there is still good in the world, and it's about choosing to accept that this is the life we've been given and it's ours to direct. Friends, when we do that, we are bound to find our happy days.


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